​​The goal of sustained business growth, coupled to the persistent vocation to meet our customers’ needs, leads us to undertake a constant cycle of innovation projects and actions that ends with the generation of new products and services. 

In order to achieve this result in a systematic manner, a business trend analysis discipline needs to be developed, in order to anticipate the needs of our customers, identify opportunities, execute high-performance pilot programs and, finally, scale the new product or service up so that it can be of value on the markets that interest us

​On a market as dynamic as the energy market, and faced with a transition scenario that will last decades as it develops heterogeneously in so many countries, offering new products and services will enable organizations to continue being relevant and to contribute to generating value constantly for the communities and interest groups that we serve.

Our innovation management model pursues three avenues for obtaining new products or services: developing new solutions, adapting existing solutions in other sectors or countries for use in our context, and adopting novel processes or technologies that show great potential for our markets. The goal of the innovation project opportunities portfolio is to achieve a balance between these three focal points, in order to ensure, in turn, a balance between risk, competitive advantage, and value generated and captured.     


​​A risk mitigation measure in the generation and perfecting of new products and services sees these evolve in three phases: 


​Investment in projects relating to new products and services as a percentage of total expenses and investments, which had been rising since 2018, was up by 18.6 per cent in 2020, compared to 2019. This increase shows that the companies have taken on board the commitment to offer an innovation-based, diversified portfolio, in order to meet customer needs.

Revenue from new products and services, which represents 1.8 per cent of consolidated operating revenue, increased significantly, compared to 2019. This result was affected, principally, by revenue from new products and services at Promigas, Promisol and GdO, and by non-banking financing results. 

Many processes were affected by the COVID-19 health emergency; however, situations like the ones below that arose were mitigated promptly:  

To this end, the initiative entitled ‘Digital Integration to Increase Connectivity’ was developed. This facilitates the use of digital tools for holding meetings and carrying out follow-up on personnel, for sharing information quickly and accurately, and as a remote support platform for commissioning natural gas infrastructure. 

A plan of action for the medium and long term was established, which consists of developing and strengthening digital platforms that will enable innovation and the diversification process for the products and services portfolio, aimed at reducing the company’s financial exposure to national or global issues, to be administered.  

